Star Dancer- Danielle Edwards
Dancing to ensure homelessness is center stage
What is the Charlotte Ballet Dancing with the Stars event about?
Since 2013 the Charlotte Ballet presents Dancing with the Stars, pairing local community and corporate leaders and Star Dancers with our professional dancers. Together the six duos compete to raise funds for their charity.
I am proud to announce that I have been chosen to be a star dancer for this event. It is one of the most fun, glamorous, charitable events in Charlotte for 2023. I have been paired with Professional Ballet Dancer Maurice Mouzon.
I have a goal of $150,000 to raise for my chosen charity the CANOPY HOUSING FOUNDATION. All proceeds are split 50/50 between the Charlotte Ballet and CHF.
Gala Ticket Tier Information
As part of its commitment to focusing on the full housing continuum (from homelessness to homeownership), the Foundation will utilize the funds raised to address identified needs of the 3,000+ housing-insecure people in our community. Specifically, the Foundation will target the funds to address the needs of the area’s estimated 375 homeless families with children. Working with local service organizations, the Foundation will seek to understand the best placement and utilization of these funds to create a lasting impact.
Canopy Housing Foundation is the charitable arm of the CANOPY Realtor Association(CLT). Allows Realtors to address unmet housing needs and advocate for fair and affordable housing standards and practices. Since 1985 it has made a difference in our community through programs, events, and financial donations and grants to area nonprofits.
I have enjoyed working with Habitat for Humanity annually on Realtor Care Day to see these funds at work all over our area from the center city of Charlotte to Matthews. It is my hope that this money raised can make an even bigger impact so that hopfully one day everyone will have a place to call home.
The event is Saturday, March 4, 2023, at the Knight Theater in Uptown (and sells out)!
- Purchase tickets- Tickets go on sale on December 21, 2022, and you can choose from two ticket tiers.
- Vote- is open to anyone online in advance of the event. $1 = 1 vote and the website will record the voting credit in real time to my running total on the website. Think of voting as a donation if you can’t come to the event but want to support the cause! Both ticket sales and voting all count towards my $150k goal.
- Sponsorship / Employee matching / Donations- If you own a business, have employee matching programs, or need a tax deduction for 2022 or 2023 I would love your support. I will also be doing videos for local businesses that support me to give them exposure too.
Businesses or larger groups can also consider getting a table that comes with sponsorship recognition too!
Do you know a company or business that would be interested? Do you know a business that would provide a raffle item for a silent auction?
Thank you in advance for considering donating to the Charlotte Ballet/Canopy Housing Foundation when you consider your charitable donations for 2022/2023. Donations can also be split for this and next year too!
We’d like to inform everyone that we have just recently created a Facebook page. We’ll be posting updates and live videos on my journey, and answering questions in real-time! Who knows you could maybe help vote for the music I choose to dance with.
Thank you for continuously supporting us in this Journey. Please help us grow and gather more engagement and support to make this event possible and make the goal happen. By sharing my posts or gathering your friends you also can help the homeless in our community and enable the Charlotte Ballet to thrive.
” A life worth giving is a life of living. Dancing for Shelter” -Let’s give joy and love to the homeless.
Please like, share and follow our page:
I know it isn’t the best time of year to be asking you to buy tickets! However, I want to share for anyone wanting a write-off for this calendar year, OR just get your tickets before they sell out!!
More information on this link :